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Indian Ministry of Defense approves the purchase of 106 local-made HHT-40 trainer aircraft

Berita Anda, Halo Pengunjung blog dimanapun anda berada semoga kalian tetap dalam keadaan sehat, saat ini anda sedang membaca Artikel dengan judul Indian Ministry of Defense approves the purchase of 106 local-made HHT-40 trainer aircraft, semoga bermanfaat dan selamat membaca

According to news released by The Print website on August 11, 2020, the Indian Defense Ministry has approved the purchase of 106 local-made HHT-40 basic trainer aircraft manufactured by the company Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. Read full Defense Aviation News at this link ...
Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria flew a sortie on the under-development HTT-40 trainer aircraft in Bengaluru on 14 November 2019. (Picture source Indian Air Force)
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Labels: Berita Internasional

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