I’ve always been a fan of underdogs.
The horse with 50 to 1 odds. (Remember Mind That Bird, the 2009 winner of the Kentucky Derby?)
A number 16 seed miraculously knocking out a top seed in the first round of the NCAA men’s college basketball tournament. (Remember University of Maryland Baltimore in 2018?)
A baseball team down three games to none in the bottom of the ninth in a best-of-seven series against their arch rivals. (Who can ever forget the 2004 Red Sox?)
Maybe that’s why I have a bit of a soft spot for Pinot Grigio wines.
Talk to some so-called wine experts and you might think Pinot Grigio is responsible for everything that’s wrong with the world, from global warming to culottes.
For some time, I have noticed that Pinot Grigio has become the preferred punching bag for many wine snobs.
It’s too light.
It’s too bland.
It’s too cheap.
It’s too popular.
Yes, God forbid too many people actually like a particular wine.
One “expert sommelier” interviewed this year in a prominent magazine even went to so far as to say that “Pinot grigio shouldn’t even be considered wine.”
All Pinot Grigios are terrible?
There’s not a single good one?
As John McEnroe used to say, you cannot be serious.
Don’t get me wrong. I realize there are bad Pinot Grigios out there. Just like there are bad Chardonnays or Pinot Noirs or any wine for that matter.
So this week, as we head into the last, sultry days summer (I know summer doesn’t technically end for another month or so but Labor Day’s just around the corner), I thought now would be a great time to highlight a few, refreshing Pinot Grigios from Italy for under $10 a bottle. I hope you enjoy them as well.
2019 Cabert Friuli Pinot Grigio ($8.99 at Table & Vine in West Springfield)
2019 Barone Fini Valdaige Pinot Grigio ($12.99 at Table & Vine)
2019 Voga Pinot Grigio ($9.99 at Table & Vine)
2019 Cinta Pinot Grigio ($8.99 at Table & Vine)
Pinot Grigio wines have been around since the 1200s in parts of France, particularly in the Burgundy region. Nowadays, you can find Pinot Grigio wines from around the world. These light, refreshing wines often have a slightly floral and citrus-like finish. That’s why I personally think they’re among the best summer white wines ideal for hot, sunny days. And I’m not alone. Pinot Grigio wines are the third most popular wines in the United States. (You can read more next week about the most popular wine.)
It’s easy to confuse Pinot Grigio with Pinot Gris. That’s because they’re the exact same grape. It’s just a matter what certain wine growing areas call wine made from this versatile grape. Italian winemakers call this grape Pinot Grigio. French winemakers call this grape Pinot Gris. As for the rest of the world, take your pick. Both names are often used, sometimes in the same wine growing area.
You can still find Pinot Gris wines in France, especially in the Alsace region. But there are many other regions where Pinot Grigio wines thrive, including California, Oregon, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Germany. But when it comes to Pinot Grigio, Italy resigns supreme, especially in the Alto Adige region in northern Italy.
2019 Cabert Friuli Pinot Grigio
Region - Friuli, Italy
Tasting Notes - Made with Pinot Grigio grapes grown in the Friuli Grave region, which is part of the larger Friuli Venezia Giulia region in northeastern Italy, this bright, light, refreshing white wine abounds with lemon and lime flavors that seem to dance on the tip of your tongue. There’s also a slight hint of grapefruit flavors on the finish, which make this citrus-like wine a perfect, warm summer afternoon drink.
2019 Barone Fini Valdaige Pinot Grigio
Region - Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
Tasting Notes - Made with Pinot Grigio grapes from 25 to 30 year old vines in the Valdadige region, which is part of the larger Trentino-Alto Adige region, this wonderful, flinty, refreshing wine has a wide range of subtle flavors - from hints of lemon and grapefruit to a touch of melon. Definitely the most understated of the four wines and one of my favorite, affordable white wines this summer.
2019 Voga Pinot Grigio
Region - Venezie, Italy
Tasting Notes - Made with Pinot Grigio grapes from Italy’s Venezie region (which is part of the Friuli Venezia Giulia), this crisp, clean, dry white wine packaged in a modern-looking capsule-like glass bottle just might make you rethink what’s possible for Pinot Grigio wines. Here, the flavors have a more mineral-like finish with a hint of sea salt. Yes, there are definitely hints of lemon and lime familiar to fans of Italian Pinot Grigio. But I was impressed by the range of flavors and their subtlety.
2019 Cinta Pinot Grigio
Region - Veneto, Italy
Tasting Notes - Made with Pinot Grigio grapes grown in Italy’s Veneto region in the northeastern corner of the country, this wonderful white wine has a lovely, bright, refreshing finish. Flavors range from lemon to hints of lime and a touch of grapefruit. Here again, this delightful white wine tastes as refreshing as diving into a cool, crisp ocean on a warm, sunny afternoon.
Wine Press by Ken Ross appears on Masslive.com every Monday and in The Republican’s weekend section every Thursday.
Follow Ken Ross on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook.
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August 25, 2020 at 01:00AM
Wine Press - 4 Great Italian Pinot Grigio Wines (Mostly) Under $10 - MassLive.com
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Wine Aziz Blogger August 24, 2020 Admin Bandung Indonesia
Kadang kita dibuat garuk kepala dengan pemberitaan bahwa Pertamina merugi. Bagaimana mungkin sebuah perusahaan yang memonopoli peredaran BBM di negara ini bisa merugi? Semua orang butuh BBM, semua orang membeli ke Pertamina karena tidak ada saingannya.
"Kan ada perusahaan asing yang jual BBM juga?"
Perusahaan asing memang ada, namun mereka gak boleh menjual harga semaunya. Ada ketentuan harga yang harus mereka sepakati, yang mengharuskan Pertamina gak boleh kalah. Selain itu, perusahaan asing juga hanya ada di kota besar untuk pengadaam stasiun pengisian bahan bakarnya.
Tetap Pertamina paling jago.
Kenapa bisa rugi? Kan harga minyak dunia kemarin turun, dan Pertamina gak menurunkan harga BBM ke masyarakat. Berbeda dengan perlakuan negara luar yang langsung menurunkan harga jual BBM nya.
Disinilah keheranan kita, saat minyak dunia turun sudah berapa keuntungan Pertamina yang masih bertahan pada harga lama???
Sebagai gambaran, dengan harga BBM sebesar Rp 6.500 per liter, keuntungan Pertamina dari jual beli BBM ini bisa mencapai sekitar Rp. 17 triliun per bulan. Dengan asumsi satu barel minyak mentah sebesar USD 40, maka dengan kurs rupiah terhadap dollar sebesar Rp 14.000 per dollar, harga per barel minyak sebesar Rp 560.000. Apabila satu barel setara dengan 160 liter minyak, maka harga beli minyak mentah per liternya hanya Rp 3.500
Untuk memproduksi minyak mentah menjadi BBM, rata-rata biaya produksinya sebesar 20 persen. Dengan angka tersebut, maka harga BBM per liter yang siap jual kira-kira sebesar Rp 4.200 per liternya.
Dengan harga jual BBM sebesar Rp 6.500 per liter dan biaya produksi hanya Rp 4.200 per liter, Pertamina bisa meraup untung hingga Rp. 2.300 per liter. Dengan konsumsi BBM nasional sebanyak 1,6 juta barel yang setara dengan 256 juta liter per hari, berarti keuntungan yang diraih dari penjualan BBM mencapai sekitar Rp 588 miliar per hari atau Rp. 17 triliun per bulan.
1 bulan 17 Triliun, sudah berapa bulan penurunan harga minyak dunia tanpa ada penyesuaian harga BBM pertamina? Harga 1 barel USD $ 40, adalah harga saat ini. Bulan sebelumnya bahkan sampai menyentuh angka USD $ 20/barel.
Katakanlah selama 4 bulan kebelakang harga minyak dunia itu sudah turun drastis, artinya selama 4 bulan keuntungan pertamina dari mempertahankan harga lama mencapai 68 Triliun rupiah.
Kok bisa rugi di kuartal pertama, dimana keuntungannya mencapai 68 T saat harga minyak dunia turun? Kemana larinya uang ini..???
Intermezzo aja,
Kata pak Said Didu, Pertamina gak bisa turunkan harga BBM dikarenakan itu bukan wewenangnya, karena kewenangan menurunkan harga ada dipemerintah, melalui kuasa kementrian ESDM.
Sayangnya, pemerintah dilema memberikan izin menurunkan harga. Karena hutang pemerintah sendiri pada pertamina sampai saat ini mencapai 96 Triliun, yang diakibatkan pemberian subsidi pada Premium dan Solar. Selisih harga jual ini yang menjadi tunggakan pemerintah pada Pertamina.
Pandemi corona membuat kas cekak. Benar ada penurunan harga minyak dunia, dan hal itu merupakan kesempatan menangguk keuntungan dari rakyat. Ibaratnya, mubazir apabila potensi keuntungan ini malah dilewatkan. Maka itulah yang kita terima, harga BBM tidak bergeming dari harga lama.
Kembali ke masalah kerugian pertamina. Jika alasan kerugian karena penurunan penggunaan BBM, tetap saja jadi heran karena walaupun penurunan ini mencapai 40% di Solar dan 33% di Premium, tetap saja edaran yang keluar menguntungkan bagi pertamina dengan melihat selisih keuntungan selama minyak dunia turun.
Katakanlah 50% penurunan pemakaian BBM, jika 100% pemakaian BBM untung 68 T, artinya selama pandemi ketika terjadi penurunan 50%, keuntungan akan berkurang menjadi 34 T. Masih menang banyak kan?
Tapi mohon maaf, hitungan menang banyak itu asalnya dari saya yang hanya bisa melihat dari luar. Karena kata Pertamina penghitungan rugi laba harus memperhatikan biaya di sektor hulu sebagai modal pembangunan yang telah dijalankan. Untung di hilir tapi rugi di hulu, maka kalkulasinya adalah RUGI 11 TRILIUN di semeseter 1 2020.
Kalau dah begini, apa'an aja kerja ahok...? 😅
(By Iwan Balaoe)
from PORTAL ISLAM https://ift.tt/3hqfXfz
via IFTTT Aziz Blogger August 24, 2020 Admin Bandung Indonesia
Ahok..Ahok... Ketika Koar Diri, tak sesuai Bukti
Turki meluncurkan Frigate (kapal perang) terbaru 100% buatan dalam negeri. Sementara di Indonesia, masih ribut Khilafah sampai mempersekusi ulama.
“Memiliki industri pertahanan yang tidak memiliki ketergantungan terhadap luar negeri dan membangun infrastruktur produksi yang diperlukan adalah tujuan prioritas kami,” kata Erdoğan saat berbicara di acara yang diselenggarakan di Tuzla Istanbul, tempat bagi galangan kapal sipil dan militer.
Erdogan menyoroti fakta bahwa industri pertahanan Turki telah menempuh perjalanan panjang dalam mengurangi ketergantungan dari luar dan mempercepat produksi dalam negeri hingga 70% selama dekade terakhir.
“Turki melanjutkan jalurnya dalam industri pertahanan dengan cara yang tegas. Tidak mungkin bagi negara-negara yang tidak bisa kuat dan mandiri di bidang pertahanan untuk memandang masa depan mereka dengan percaya diri,” lanjut dia.
Erdogan juga menyebut bahwa bidang maritim Turki dilengkapi dengan senjata domestik dan sistem radar. Proyek yang lebih berani akan menyusul dalam lima tahun ke depan, katanya.
“Tujuan kami adalah mencapai tingkat di mana elemen darat, udara dan laut kami, termasuk kendaraan laut tak berawak dan otonom dapat melakukan tugas bersamaan,” kata Erdogan.
Begitu pun dengan kendaraan udara tak berawak (UAV), drone bersenjata dan kendaraan udara tempur tak berawak (UVAC), lanjutnya.
Hari ini, kata Erdogan, Turki menambahkan dua kapal tanggap darurat dan pelatihan menyelam, dua kapal penghancur bawah air baru dan delapan kapal patroli cepat ke pasukan angkatan lautnya.
“Industri pertahanan bukanlah bidang yang dapat menangani stagnasi. Kita harus melangkah lebih jauh, untuk menghasilkan produk yang lebih maju,” ujarnya.
Presiden menambahkan bahwa mereka melihat setiap keberhasilan yang diraih sebagai batu loncatan ke depan.
Hadir dalam acara tersebut Menteri Pertahanan Nasional Hulusi Akar, Menteri Transportasi dan Infrastruktur Adil Karaismailoğlu, Kepala Staf Jenderal Yaşar Güler, Ketua Direktorat Industri Pertahanan (SSB) Ismail Demir dan Cenk Kaptanoğlu, CEO dari Galangan Kapal Desan tempat upacara berlangsung.
Kapal akan memungkinkan setidaknya tiga penyelam untuk menyelam pada saat yang sama hingga kedalaman 90 meter (295 kaki) dan akan digunakan bagi pelatihan penyelaman air dangkal dan dalam bagi personel penyelam.
Erdoğan lebih lanjut menggarisbawahi pencapaian negara dalam industri pertahanan telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pencapaian strategis Turki baik di dalam maupun di luar wilayahnya.
Menurut Erdogan, Turki dapat menerapkan kebijakannya dari Mediterania Timur hingga Laut Aegea, dari Laut Hitam hingga Balkan, Kaukasus, dan Afrika karena tingkat pencapaian di bidang politik, ekonomi dan teknologi.
TCG Anadolu, Kapal Serbu Amfibi Multiguna (LHD) pertama di Turki dan calon unggulan, akan bergabung dalam inventaris tahun depan, Erdogan menegaskan.
Kapal tersebut diatur untuk secara signifikan meningkatkan kemampuan operasi militer dan kemanusiaan luar negeri Angkatan Bersenjata Turki (TSK) setelah masuk ke dalam inventaris.
Erdogan juga menginformasikan bahwa beberapa platform lain termasuk kapal selam buatan dalam negeri dan kapal pengisian armada juga akan bergabung dengan inventaris secara bertahap di periode mendatang, bersama dengan TCG Istanbul, kapal kelima yang sedang dibangun di bawah proyek MILGEM (Kapal Nasional).
Proyek MILGEM dimulai pada tahun 2000 untuk merancang dan membangun armada korvet dan fregat multiguna secara lokal yang akan menggantikan kapal yang lebih tua.
Turki telah membangun empat korvet sejauh ini dalam kerangka program tersebut, yaitu TCG Heybeliada, TCG Büyükada, TCG Burgazada dan TCG Kınalıada, sedangkan kapal kelima, TCG Istanbul, sedang dalam pembangunan. Kapal tersebut akan dilengkapi dengan persenjataan dan sistem lain yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan industri pertahanan Turki terkemuka seperti ASELSAN dan HAVELSAN.
TCG Heybeliada diluncurkan pada 2011, TCG Büyükada pada 2013, TCG Burgazada pada 2016 dan TCG Kınalıada pada 2019. Kapal kelima sedang dibangun di bawah Direktorat Industri Pertahanan (SSB) melalui kontrak dengan perusahaan pertahanan terkemuka STM.
Sumber: Daily Sabah/Anadolu Agency
اليوم.. الطيب أردوغان يشارك بحفل إنزال فرقاطة عسكرية تركية متطورة جديدة إلى مياه البحر في إسطنبول— Hamza Tekin حمزة تكين (@Hamza_tekin2023) August 23, 2020
صنع في تركيا 100% pic.twitter.com/l3aJXj4iX4
from PORTAL ISLAM https://ift.tt/2FTUn5c
via IFTTT Aziz Blogger August 24, 2020 Admin Bandung Indonesia
Erdogan: Turki Salah Satu dari 10 Negara yang Mampu Rancang dan Bangun Kapal Perang
Sparkling rosés, pet-nats from Lebanon, and the only red wine you should be drinking when the weather’s like this.
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We’re nearing the end of August, somehow. Which means we’re nearing the end of summer, somehow. But as we’re all well aware, the weather — especially ’round these parts — pays no heed to the Roman calendar, and in Philly, it’s summer until it stops being hot outside. So let’s keep it rolling. We a compiled a list of wine bottles that will keep summer going strong. Wines as refreshing as lemonade, as interesting as those in your rich uncle’s cellar, as easy-drinking as they oughtta be in times like these. These are, according to eight wine professionals in Philly, the wines of the summer.
Jill Weber
Owner of Jet Wine Bar and Garden
Couvent Rouge LebNat Gold
“I have drunk so much of this Lebanese pet-nat. It is really my go-to right now. Why? Most importantly, it is delicious. Perfect, long-lasting bubbles, great minerality, super refreshing, hint of a tropical fruit that I can’t place so I just keep drinking trying to figure it out. It is unfined and unfiltered, which adds a touch of heft. Also, importantly, it is from Lebanon, and wow, do they need our support right now. Finally, it has an awesome story: The Bekaa Valley — home to a wine-making tradition several millennia long — was home to criminally-organized cannabis production due the economic and social fallout from the Civil War of the ’70s and ’80s. The lands that these grapes are from were reclaimed from that illicit trade, and now support almost 300 grape growers in a cooperative.”
Zach Morris
Owner of Bloomsday, Fancy Wine Club
Denny Bini “Spuma” Lambrusco di Sorbara
“If ever there was a ‘summer wine’ it might wanna be a rosé, and it might wanna have some bubbles. Spuma has both! And Denny Bini is a top champion of the modern, sustainable movement in the region. This wine is bottle re-fermented and has plenty of natural nuance, but really nails it as a refreshment in the same way sour cherries do. It’s so darn fresh and tart and light on its feet. Not to mention it comes from the land of picnic-able foods, Emilia-Romagna. This thing was built for cured meats like prosciutto di Parma, mortadella and also for hard, salty snacking cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano and Grana Padano. Crusty bread, some olives, a nice, safely distanced picnic with friends and you’re on your way to the best summer wine experience you can get in a pandemic.”
Sande Friedman
Di Bruno Bros. beverage manager and Philly Wine Cru president
Edmunds St. John ‘Bone Jolly’ Gamay
“Every year Edmunds St. John ‘Bone Jolly’ Gamay is my favorite summer wine. We carry both the red and rosé gamay options. These minimalist wines come from a favorite old-school winemaker in the Sierra Foothills, and can appease both natural wine palates and those who prefer a more classic profile alike. Light, bright and precise, all these wines need are a good chill and your favorite cheese.”
Maureen Shannon
Bar manager at ITV
Mariotti Bianco Dell’emilia Smarazen
I’m a lover of natural wines — especially sparkling. I was delighted when I found one of my go-to’s at Fountain Porter in South Philly (they have an amazing selection), the Mariotti Bianco Dell’emilia Smarazen. It’s a blend of Trebbiano and Malvasia, native grapes to the Emilia-Romagna region. It’s refreshing, herbaceous, citrusy with a delightful savory, salty finish. Transports you to the beach!”
Frank Kinyon
Service and beverage director at a.kitchen+bar
Weingut Rainer Sauer Silvaner
“It’s a super high-toned, high-acid and mineral dry German white with a touch of dry herbs. It is great on its own or with simply prepared summer vegetables.”
Chloe Grigri
Owner of Le Caveau and the Good King Tavern
Domaine Rimbert, Cousin Oscar
“I love chill-able, punchy reds all summer long (and beyond, really) and this Cinsault from the Languedoc hits the spot every time. It’s singing like a cold cherry cola on a hot summer day in 1970 (‘Now and Then’ style) with notes of crunchy cranberries, tomato leaf and white pepper. Chill it. Crush it. You won’t be sorry.
Etinosa Emokpae
Sommelier at Friday Saturday Sunday
La Agricola Cara Sur Criolla Chica Barreal, 2019
“I have been reaching for reds more this summer, surprisingly. My favorite right now is 2019 La Agricola Cara Sur Criolla Chica Barreal. It’s from Argentina and 100 percent Criolla Chica aka País. This wine is bursting with tart raspberry and rhubarb flavors. Also, it has amazing violet and eucalyptus aromas. With a chill, this wine drinks like a more structured rosé that you can have as an aperitif or with food.”
Terence Lewis
Beverage Director at Safran Turney Hospitality and Philly Wine Cru
Domaine Les Hautes Noëlles, Muscadet
“This summer’s extreme and oppressive heat has been coupled with dining outside only. This is a brisk and mineral-y wine thats lean, yet flavorful. Fights back the humidity with its low alcohol and citrusy fruits. Great outdoors-y wine that goes great with seafood and vegetables.”
"wine" - Google News
August 25, 2020 at 02:18AM
The Wines of the Summer, According to Philly Wine Pros - Philadelphia magazine
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Wine Aziz Blogger August 24, 2020 Admin Bandung Indonesia
The Wines of the Summer, According to Philly Wine Pros - Philadelphia magazine
The bottle of wine I ordered from Cameron Diaz tells me quite a few things—it’s made with organic grapes (kudos!); free from added sugar, artificial colors and concentrates (serious shade to some other wines); and vegan-friendly (more on that later). The label even tells me how to pronounce the name of this new Avaline brand the actress and her business partner Katherine Porter just launched, although it didn’t seem too necessary. For the record, it’s “/ah-vah-leene/.” Less helpful, I’m told that the beverage is “white wine” (what grapes and from where you have to dig around the website to find out) with a “dry with a crisp, fresh finish,” and that it pairs well with fresh-cut flowers and my favorite meal (any meal at all?).
Avaline is one of a handful of new brands styling themselves as “clean wines,” a newly minted marketing moniker unabashedly chasing the $52+ billion wellness market, a veritable lifestyle industrial complex that primarily targets Millennials. With the tagline “When wine comes clean” on its website, and claims that it’s “transparently produced, full of natural goodness and free of unnecessary extras,” Avaline aims to convince people that drinking booze is compatible with healthy living. Even less subtle is Good Clean Wine. It’s, um, called Good Clean Wine and says it “pairs with a healthy lifestyle.” Wonderful Wine Company, launched in May by Winc Wines, offers “wellness without deprivation.” And Scout & Cellar chimes in with “clean wine for better living.” There’s no shortage of sun-dappled Instagram pages, boozy bubble baths, poolside day drinking and millennial pink in the lifestyle these brands are pedaling.
Clean wine is the latest iteration—and possibly the least meaningful—of the hands-off trends in winemaking. Think “natural” or “minimalist,” both terms (like “clean”) that have no legal definition. Sure, there’s merit to the implied principles of “clean” winemaking—presumably minimal synthetic chemicals in the vineyard and few unnatural additions in the winery. After all, more than 70 additives and processing agents are allowed in U.S. winemaking, from the fairly innocuous (if terroir-busting) acid to punch up brightness and the grape concentrate Mega Purple to lend more color, flavor and richness (the “artificial colors and concentrates” disavowed on the Avaline label) to the more ominous-sounding fining agent protease, which is derived from pig or cow stomachs. Hence, abstaining from using those, which Avaline does, makes a wine vegan.
“Most consumers of clean wines assume the grapes are organically grown and fewer inputs are used in production,” says Libby Mills, a nutritionist at Villanova University College of Nursing. “But there is no way to know for sure.” So clean wine can mean whatever a company wants it to mean. Still, she gives the movement the benefit of the doubt as “a natural extension of consumer interest in organics and the desire to enjoy foods and wine that are both good for their bodies and the environment,” adding “one can assume that in a clean wine there won’t be a long list of ingredients that go into the production. And those on the list will be used only as needed—like yeast—or minimally.” But, she admits, “this is not very conclusive, nor does it rule out the use of Mega Purple, though the likelihood is low.”
With no clarity in the category, and the fact that producers aren’t required to reveal exactly what goes into their wine, Mills advocates educating oneself about—and trusting—the certifications that do have legal parameters, like USDA Organic (a rigorous protocol for the actual production of wine) and the USDA’s broader “Made with Organic Grapes” label certifying farming methods. And while Mills doesn’t believe wine should be eschewed altogether, she does point out, like a nutritionist would, that alcohol is a toxin.

Avaline’s founders enjoying their wares. Photo: courtesy Justin Coit
At her Oakland wine shop Bay Grape, Stevie Stacionis features winemakers who utilize sustainable farming methods, but she’s at a loss when it comes to clean wine. “What does it even mean?” she says. “It feels like suddenly wine is being marketed in the same way diet foods are.” To underscore the uselessness of the term to buyers, in her view, Stacionis points out that in the wine profession, “clean” is used to describe a wine that doesn’t have any official flaws, like Brettanomyces or volatile acidity. “This ‘clean’ term, though,” she says, “is somehow trying to imply that a wine has minimal intervention, but [in trade terms] it could be very ‘dirty’!”
After all this talk of certification and education, I take this “clean wine” market research to my own millennial focus group of two—my daughter and her boyfriend (Audrey and Joey), whose joint progress toward wine connoisseurship has been arrested by craft beer (still I have hope). What would they think a clean wine should be? “I’d think the workers in the vineyard would be treated well,” says Joey. “No shady deals under the table,” adds Audrey. Not what I expected! However, theirs is more of an appeal for fair trade, which isn’t the expressed aim of clean wine.
My bottle of Avaline white gives no clues about worker treatment or fruit procurement—which, I have to admit, would be nice to know when it comes to a large-production, private-label wine “made” in Spain. Its actual lack of transparency, in spite of professing such, suggests that its clean image and claims of boosting well-being may just be so many well-worn tropes dressed up for the latest lifestyle fad. Still, the wine is pretty tasty. I can confirm that “dry with a crisp, fresh finish” bit, and would go even further, with hints of jasmine and fresh, resiny herbs over puckery lemon-lime and white nectarine … It’s going down easy during a California heat wave.
"wine" - Google News
August 25, 2020 at 02:00AM
Clean Wines, Explained: Separating Fact From Fiction in Winemaking’s Newest Trend - Robb Report
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Wine Aziz Blogger August 24, 2020 Admin Bandung Indonesia